Teacher and Staff Workshops
Épique offers interactive, practical and sustainable workshops, training, and consultation services to administrators, teachers and staff at both the elementary and secondary levels. Sessions are custom-designed to meet the needs of the participants and your school environment. Workshops are offered in 90-minutes, 3 hours or a full-day. *Now Available Online!
Topics can include:
Creating an Emotionally Safe Classroom Workshop
This 2-hour teacher workshop with Demetra Vlouhos will help teachers create an emotionally safe learning environment to respond to students' behaviours is a positive and productive way. Attendees will also learn about conditions impacting students today and how to effectively meet their social and emotional learning needs. Demetra has more than 20 years experience helping teachers and students succeed.
This workshop provides teachers with:
Lunch Supervisor Training- "Our One Hour"
“Our One Hour” is designed to address the particular lunch-time issues of your school. Workshop participants will gain a better understanding of behaviour management methods and learn new strategies for promoting healthy activities thereby reducing aggressive behaviour, property damage, and playground injuries. Participants will leave feeling more confident and competent in their roles. Demetra Vlouhos, program facilitator, has supported lunch supervisors in positive and effective behaviour management for over 20 years.
The program includes:
Parent Workshops
Our parent workshops are engaging, informative, and offered by professionals in the field. They are generally 90-minutes in length and scheduled on an evening of your choice. We can support parents on a range of topics including:
Study & Organizational Skills Parent Workshop
Sharon Klar uses humour and candour to support parents in the struggles of homework and study time. This workshop offers practical strategies and pro-active approaches to supporting learning at home. Sharon provides parents with a solid foundation of tools and tricks to make learning efficient and enjoyable. This workshop teaches parents:
Transition to High School Parent/Child Workshop
Moving from elementary school to high school can be one of the biggest stressors for both students and their parents! A change of atmosphere, social situations, and academic levels can create high levels of anxiety. Sharon Klar's parent/child workshop puts things into perspective and offers both parents and their students the tools and techniques for success!
This workshop will help parents and their kids:
Beyond a Deep Breath- Anxiety Reduction & Prevention Workshop
Gail Griffith walks parents through the landscape of handling academic and home/life related stress and anxieties with ease. Offering a pro-active and preventative approach, Gail supports parents in creating a home ambiance of calm and comfort. This interactive and informative workshop covers:
Managing Emotions and Behaviours: Helping Parents Help their Kids!
Demetra Vlouhos, facilitator of this 90-minute parent workshop, shares techniques and resources to help parents support their children in regulating their emotions and behaviours. Parents will learn hands on, practical coping strategies for various conditions and disorders impacting children today. Demetra has more than 20 years of experience empowering parents with the knowledge and tools to successfully support their children.
This workshop provides parents with: